e-activism skills building for green issues
and social inclusion
in inclusive european community

Fundacion Altum

The Altum Foundation is a Seville-based private, non-profit organization dedicated to cultural and social causes. It primarily collaborates with associations in Western Andalusia and Extremadura, with its headquarters situated in Seville.

Altum Foundation actively promotes values like respect, collaboration, personal dedication, solidarity, cultural comprehension, social engagement, mutual service, idea exchange, and peer dialogue, all while embracing enjoyment and learning.

Through European cooperation projects and a combination of public and private funding, Altum Foundation concentrates its efforts on serving society’s most vulnerable groups: the youth and the elderly.

The foundation’s actions are built upon the following pillars:

Advancement and support of initiatives and activities that foster technical and scientific education, culture, and the arts. Altum Foundation understands education in its broadest sense, encompassing formal and informal learning, social inclusion, social welfare, sports, and more. To achieve this, Altum Foundation provides associative consultancy services to organizations and youth associations, delivering training and professionalization programs for their boards of directors. Additionally, educational programs focusing on intellectual skill development, time management, coaching, and sports promotion are offered.

Encouragement of volunteerism and volunteer training in various areas, with a particular emphasis on disadvantaged groups such as individuals with disabilities, the elderly, women, children, and other social groups at risk of exclusion.

Collaboration in activities to raise awareness about sustainable development and combat climate change. Altum Foundation actively participates in cooperative endeavors centered around these critical issues.

Bilim ve İnsan Vakfı

The “Science and Human Foundation” is dedicated to empowering young individuals through various educational initiatives and community engagement. Through the utilization of assistive technology and educational resources, the foundation organizes training courses, group seminars, and interactive tea talks to support non-formal learning objectives. Embracing social innovation and citizen empowerment, the foundation leverages new technologies to increase the rights, opportunities, and capabilities of each young person within their own environment. By promoting the adoption and utilization of information and communication technologies (ICT) among disadvantaged youth, the foundation facilitates access to educational content, tools, and information, fostering non-formal training and supported demonstrations by dedicated volunteers. Moreover, the foundation advocates for the human rights of disadvantaged youth while actively promoting inclusion and encouraging their active participation in the community. With a focus on adaptability to changes in education, technology, and the physical environment, the “Science and Human Foundation” emphasizes the enhancement of communication and social skills, facilitating the exchange of experiences and knowledge of successful practices on both national and international levels.


The Balkan Institute of Innovative Development (BIID) specializes in the development and management of European cultural and educational initiatives. Its primary aim is to foster innovation by creating new educational methods and outcomes, inspiring the generation of new ideas, and implementing innovative concepts.

BIID collaborates primarily with youth centers, non-formal education providers, youth clubs in various universities, and NGOs in Bulgaria. Esteemed educators, researchers, professors, and seasoned practitioners serve as advisors and consultants within the organization.

BIID’s researchers are dedicated to constructing projects focused on education about diverse educational tools, practices, and the innovative application of cutting-edge technologies. By leveraging modern tools and practices, the organization also promotes a creative approach to non-formal education through a distinct methodology and practical knowledge application. The main objective of this NGO is to establish a platform where young individuals can acquire the skills to effectively utilize innovative educational technology while generating novel solutions and ideas.

BIID stands as an enthusiastic organization comprising professionals and experts who continually engage in local and international projects. Additionally, the institute collaborates with youth centers and empowers youth workers and trainers by providing them with support and training on various tools and innovations. 


Društvo Fundacija Sursum is a non-profit, non-governmental organization established in Ljubljana on November 26, 2007. It is officially registered in the Slovenian Register of Entities under the identification number 2325314. The foundation is led by a group of dedicated professionals who are committed to actively and responsibly contributing to the holistic development of individuals, recognizing its profound impact on societal improvement. Fundacija Sursum’s overarching mission is to undertake social and cultural initiatives aimed at fostering the human, educational, and cultural advancement of people, with a particular focus on young individuals and those facing significant disadvantages. These initiatives extend beyond our local environment and seek collaboration with other European Union countries.

Through its projects, Fundacija Sursum strives to encourage active citizenship, promote solidarity, and foster volunteering efforts. The foundation actively supports the development of initiatives that promote tolerance, mutual understanding among young people from diverse countries, and enhance employability prospects. By facilitating the integration of European countries, Fundacija Sursum takes on a coordinating role, managing strategic partnerships with other entities within the European Union. The foundation also holds the chairmanship of the Central, Eastern, and Balkan European countries’ network, known as ESBAL. Through cultural activities, exchanges, and volunteering opportunities, Fundacija Sursum facilitates interactions among European Union citizens at all levels. The primary objective is to facilitate knowledge and experience sharing, leverage the potential of intercultural training, and foster improved relationships with individuals from diverse cultures. These endeavors are founded on principles of solidarity, tolerance, and respect for others.  

VAEV Research and Development Agency GmbH

VAEV R&D GmbH (VAEV Research & Development Agency GmbH) serves as the private extension of VAEV (Vienna Association of Education Volunteers), an esteemed non-profit organization renowned for its extensive experience in successfully implementing Erasmus+ projects. The core mission of VAEV R&D GmbH revolves around enriching and advancing the realm of education through fruitful collaborations with local schools and educational centers. Together, they endeavor to design and refine comprehensive, up-to-date curricula that cultivate the essential skills and competencies required in the dynamic landscape of the 21st century.

VAEV R&D GmbH is dedicated to empowering individuals by delivering community-based coaching, as well as providing educational and career opportunities to those facing various disadvantages. This includes immigrants, refugees, unemployed individuals, NEETs (Not in Education, Employment, or Training), and individuals from economically disadvantaged backgrounds. Through their diverse range of activities and projects, VAEV R&D GmbH actively engages and supports a substantial number of individuals from these target groups.

The primary objective of VAEV R&D GmbH is to champion the modernization of education by harnessing the potential of technology and online tools. Simultaneously, the organization remains steadfast in its commitment to promoting peace, democracy, diversity, and inclusivity within educational settings. To achieve this, VAEV R&D GmbH provides vital support to schools, youth and education centers, special education facilities, and other relevant non-governmental organizations operating in this domain. The agency actively fosters career guidance, coaching, and training programs to aid aspiring entrepreneurs and NEET communities. Collaborative efforts with fellow NGOs and social organizations are undertaken to advocate for policy changes aimed at improving access to welfare.

The comprehensive range of services offered by VAEV R&D GmbH revolves around delivering flexible non-formal education programs and coaching initiatives across various fields, all aligned with the principles of lifelong learning. These endeavors align closely with the key guidelines and priorities highlighted by the European Commission, ensuring that VAEV R&D GmbH remains dedicated to contributing to the broader European educational landscape.